Our Story
How much does Carl Rosenau and Darren Smith Love Trucking?
Well, after leading some great folks at Rosenau Transport from 30 trucks to over 450 over a 40 year span, then trying to run off into the sunset with retirement, Carl could not ignore the call to come back and do what he was born to do….
Darren on the other hand, just finished leading his second trucking/logistics company in the last 5 years to the number one position in their respective markets, until one day the phone rang, and it was Carl……
The conversation went something like this, how do we build the greatest Logistics company Canada has ever seen? Of course, we talked about the obvious , you know, the same things everyone says they are going to do, great service, on time delivery, damage free, and the list goes on…. As the conversation went on, we found ourselves kind of bypassing these qualities, not because they were not important, but because we had both made a career of delivering on these.
The Heart of the matter really came down to one common trait , the very same passion that Carl and Darren shared, the single most important asset in the universe….The People!
Our Hope is that 100 Years down the road, when Hercules Logistics has become to the Trucking Industry, what McDonalds has become to the fast-food industry, we will be remembered, as not just Visionaries who were ahead of their time, but as human beings that truly cared about others, human beings who gave, without expecting nothing in return, human beings who put “People Above Profit”. This is how we will build the Legacy of Hercules Logistics, hang on folks, it’s going to be a ride!!